Are Your Performance Indicators Based on Failure?
By Susen Trail | 08/23/2021
Safety, like most other departments in a business, will have unexpected expenses. Often other departments are viewed as pro-business while Safety is usually viewed as pro-employee. The Sales department brings in money that moves the business forward. The Maintenance department keeps all the machinery running so sales goals are met, and so on. So, when the other departments need money, it is seen as an investment and when Safety needs money it is seen as an expense.
The first thing we do is change the Key Performance Indicator, KPI, from "Days since last recordable incident". Is there another department in a business that has a performance indicator of how often they fail? How many department's have KPIs that are, at best, zero? The only thing you can do with that is the Target Zero Injuries campaigns, which is not a universally accepted goal.
While Simple Safety Coach does include accidents, injuries, and illnesses in it's performance metrics, the Key Performance Indicator are number of Safety Observations, both Praise and Prevention. We made it extremely easy and efficient to report and investigate unsafe conditions.
In the past three Safety Observation blogs we have detailed how we set that up. Now we will show you how our software allows your Safety Manager to talk the language of business and enables your business to include Safety into their Strategic Plan for the future.
My Co-Founder, Mike Harper, dubbed it the Return on Safety Investment (ROSI) and it is the net amount of spending that can be prevented by spending money now to protect employees and property. It includes tangibles, such as costs incurred if an accident resulted in production slow down, and intangibles, such as employee morale which could leave to reduction in your workforce. Ask your Human Resources department not only how much it costs to replace an employee but the effect a reputation as an unsafe workplace would have on hiring quality employees!
Now when you need to present your plan to prevent an accident you can provide perspective on the long-term advantage for acting now instead of reacting later. You have time to ensure the best solution instead of scrabbling around for a solution, while production deadlines and quality issues create a lot of pressure.
With Simple Safety Coach your business plan can include Safety goals for the Department and each employee. Safety can, and should, be a part of every Strategic Growth Plan. Safety performance can be a part of every business loan application and insurance, property and worker's compensation, rate negotiation.
You can get information about other Simple Safety Coach's capabilities on our website. We would love to demonstrate and/or discuss our Safety Observation reporting process at any time. You can reach us via our Contact Page.
You can also enjoy Part I, Part II, and Part III of our series on Safety Observations.