About Simple Safety Coach
Why did we create Simple Safety Coach?
We recognized there were consistent and significant deficiencies in how safety was both viewed and conducted.
Almost all workplaces required the same coaching to come into compliance with the same health standards and codes.
Based upon experience, interviews, and observations, it became apparent that this was primarily due to a lack of time, training, management support...and consistency.

Time Leaches
Over 50% of a Safety Manager's time is spent on paperwork! The consequences of a lack of time can be easy to see. In many cases, the flow of information is negatively affected, leaving both staff and leadership with less-than-current information.
This lack of visibility can lead Safety Managers feeling isolated. They may end up assigning almost all safety related tasks to themselves. This further prevents Safety Managers from being the visible advocates so desperately needed within organizations.
Overlooked Resources
Experiece found that in many workplaces, employees wanted to help make their workplace safer, but didn't know how.
A common thread for these companies was that, organizationally, Safety was viewed as nothing but a cost function. Neither the employees nor the safety personnel had the tools to collect the data in order to demonstrate that safety also saves companies a lot of money.

Conclusion & Solution
Using this information, we decided to build a digital platform and tools based on the following ideas:
- It's much easier to organize paperwork, schedules, and actions when all the information is organized in one place.
- Increased communication and transparency will simplify connections between employees who want to volunteer, and the Safety Manager. This will also allow upper management to see the overall reduction in cost by a safe workplace.
All of this reduces paperwork, fortifies culture, and saves time.
Why we call it Simple Safety Coach?
Many Safety Managers are thrust into their role with little to no experience in Safety when assigned the job.
The information, hints, tips, and best practices woven throughout our software Coach a Safety Manager through the early days of their career.