OSHA Safety Week
By Susen Trail | 08/13/2019
OSHA’s Safe and Sound Week!
Every year, the second week of August, OSHA encourages employers to recognize the success of workplace safety and health programs by participating in their Safe and Sound promotion.
Is this the week when upper management makes speeches and photo opportunities? Are you taking safety banners out of the closet, dusting them off, and hanging them up for the week? What are you plans for next week?
Or, is this the week when you look back on all the safety activity and achievements your business and employees have realized in the last year?
There is a huge difference between the two ways safety is implemented in your workplace. An isolated week of celebrating safety can make your workers feel dismissed by their employer and cynical about safety implementation. It can reduce the safety culture in the workplace.
On the other hand, taking a week to recognize employee and employer activities and observations that have created a safer workplace validates and celebrates your safety culture and builds trust. That is why it’s so important to identify and track metrics that represent safety in your workplace.
Data is key to an intentional safety culture. However, data collection and management can become a huge drain on your Safety Manager's time and resources.
This is where Simple Safety Coach's safety management software excels. Just using the different capabilities in our software creates the data to measure the success of your Environmental Health and Safety program.
- Each employee engagement venue can be assigned rewards points which makes it easy to celebrate their participation during Safety Week.
- Prevention Safety Observations include a Return on Safety Investment, ROSI feature to estimate the cost if the unsafe condition is not abated. Instead of a negative comparison, how many fewer accidents last year than this year, you have a positive indicator, our safety activities saved more money than last year.
- Number of passed safety audits.
- Number of failed safety audits.
- Number of accidents
- By month
- By day of the week
- By body part
- By injury type
- By causation
- Both recordable and non-recordable
The data can be compared between departments or work sites between specific dates. Each chart or graph can be downloaded as an image.
Using our software, at any time of the year, you will be able to see the positive effects of your safety and health programs and initiatives. So, when Safety Week rolls around it is easy to compare your business’ safety status this year to previous years as well as celebrate employee contributions, not just during the week but for the previous year.