To The Point About: Proper Use of a Fire Extinguisher

To The Point About: Proper Use of a Fire Extinguisher

Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards that can hurt us or kill us. Controlling these hazards and preventing injuries is the point of our safety and health program. One such hazard is the risk of work materials, equipment and other objects catching on fire. Using a fire extinguisher properly to put out a fire can prevent injuries and save lives. That is the point of our facility’s plan for employee use of fire extinguishers and that is the point of this program.

After watching the program, the participant will be able to explain the following:

  • Classes of fires and the appropriate extinguishers used to extinguish them.
  • The conditions that must be considered when deciding to fight a fire.
  • The proper use of the “PASS” system to extinguish the fire.
  • The issues to look for during extinguisher inspection and maintenance.
Year Published

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